The Berkeley Economic Review’s annual journal is Berkeley’s premiere undergraduate student-run economics journal. We publish high-quality original research by fellow undergraduates from accredited universities around the world.

Papers are subject to a rigorous peer review process by our team of peer reviewers, comprising diverse interests in economic academia.

For each semester, our review process is as follows:

  1. Round 1: through the semester, applications are screened as they are received by the Head of Peer Review. If they are not of sufficient quality, they do not proceed to Round 2 of review.
  2. Round 2: at least 3 additional reviewers are assigned a full review of the paper, after which all peer reviewers discuss it. If your paper was selected for this round but is later rejected, you may request brief feedback on your paper.
  3. Round 3: top papers are selected and may receive a list of revisions to implement before publishing. 

Although we have a fixed submission deadline, we encourage you to submit as early as possible to allow for more careful consideration of your work—submissions are evaluated in the order they are received.

We review submissions in two cycles—the Spring and Fall semesters of a calendar year. Once submissions are reviewed and edited for publication, we release our annual journal in the winter.

Copyright Policy:

All authors retain copyright over their original work. No part of our journal, whether text or image, may be used for any purpose other than personal use. For permission to reproduce, modify, or copy materials printed in this journal for anything other than personal use, kindly contact the respective authors.